۲۹ شهریور ۱۴۰۳ |۱۵ ربیع‌الاول ۱۴۴۶ | Sep 19, 2024
Book Fair

The publishing house of The Jurisprudence Center of Pure Imams (PBUT) has participated at the 25th Baghdad International Book Fair offering one hundred Arabic and English titles.

Hawzah News Agency- Hujjat al-Islam Mohsen Akbari Shahroudi, in a press conference, about the presence of the publishing office of the Jurisprudence Center of Pure Imams (PBUT) in the Baghdad International Book Fair, said,” nearly one hundred titles of Arabic and English works of this center will be presented in the Baghdad International Book Fair.”

He continued to say that this year's exhibition, which is open for visitors from September 11 for 10 days, is organized with the slogan "Iraq is reading" with the presence of 600 publishers from 21 countries, and, with the cooperation of the Cultural Consultancy of Iran in Baghdad, we have offered the works published in the Jurisprudential Center of Pure Imams (peace be upon them) to present to thinkers and those interested in specialized educational and jurisprudential works at the cultural consultancy pavilion of the Islamic Republic of Iran.


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